Registration: How to correctly fill in the metadata



Author: all data must be complete: name, address of the institution of origin, etc. It is this information that will be published. If it is incomplete or incorrect, it will be published as it. Moreover, once published, it will not be possible to change.

Reviewer: the reviewer's role is important, as it helps to define whether an article will be published or not. Thus, the correct filling of the metadata (name, the institution of origin, with full address) is essential. In addition, information about your area of nterest and expertise is needed so that editors can guide themselves when requesting your collaboration in the review. After registering with an evaluator, editors access your profile to determine if you are suitable for the role. If not, the registration is canceled.

Desirable features:

-Be at least a doctor

-Have publications in the last 3 years

Reader: although information about the institution and the area of interest is unnecessary, it is important to fill in the name correctly. Periodically all entries are evaluated so that spam generators and fake emails are eliminated.

How to fill in the data correctly:

Example: Dr João da Silva Sousa Junior

Treatment pronoun: as you should be called (Mr, Mrs, Dr., MSc, etc.)


First name: your first name


Middle name:

da Silva


Sousa Junior